Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 Year in Review "The Year I Began to Fish"

2013 will forever be known as the year I began to fish. This was literally the first year I had ever fished in my life so I didn't expect to rack up a huge list of species. I figured I might catch a few Catfish and maybe a Bass or two and that would be it. I couldn't have been more wrong.  I kept track of my fishing trips on It kept a journal of everything for me and looking back through my records it seems that I've done fairly well. At least way better than I expected. I caught 13 different species with a total of 72 fish and 1114 total inches of fish combined (Not including bait fish). Here is my 2013 lineup in no particular order and a little bit about my experiences this year.

MENHADEN - I started off the year by learning how to throw a cast net so I could catch these little guys from the pier. Sometimes I caught em by the bucket and other times it was a struggle just to find one or two. This was about the best bait I could get my hands on weather it was for Red Drum, Catfish, or Striper. I owe a large portion of my success to this pretty little menhaden.

BASS, BLACK SEA - I caught these by the handful out at the CBBT. didn't get one that was big enough to take home though...

BASS, STRIPED - I just caught my first legal rockfish this last weekend and I cant wait to eat them. the biggest was 25in. I used a Berkley Swim Shad and it worked like a charm.

DRUM, RED - these guys were all up in the James River this year and have turned out to be my favorite sea fare. I would catch them one after another on Menhaden and the occasional little Croaker. I can eat red fish till I'm blue...

CATFISH, CHANEL - the very first fish I ever caught. I spent most of the beginning of 2013 on these learning what they liked up until around March. I have caught quite a few of them with the biggest being 37 inches. Some of the most valuable fishing knowledge I have gained this year came from fishing the dock at the Chickahominy river and talking to the old guys out there late at night. I don't loose half as many rigs anymore thanks to them.

SEATROUT, SPOTTED - I caught a 19in beauty that was a nice surprise out at Goodwin Island and I caught a few more out at Lynhaven Inlet as well. I would really like to spend some time getting to know this gorgeous fish next year.

SHAD, AMERICAN - I caught and released several of these quite by accident on the James this year but I plan on making an actual effort to catch a few more when the dogwoods bloom in 2014

TAUTOG - I caught one of these at the CBBT this year. He was out of season but sure was an interesting looking fish. I need to go back while they are in season and bring one home for the dinner plate. I hear they are tasty!

TRIGGERFISHES - these guys were a blast to catch out the first island of the CBBT. What a great tasting fish and an interesting one too. I had several trips out there that were completely uneventful and then one day this cool looking fish started eating my bait. What a surprise to find that I could take as many as I could catch since it was unregulated.

CROAKER - the bane of my CBBT trips everywhere I went these guys would eat my bait. I never took one home to eat but in retrospect I should have. It would have been fair play.

SHARK, SPINY DOG - I couldn't get a Cobia but I caught plenty of these trying. That was a real "well what do I do now" moment when I brought the first one up to the kayak. I'll never forget just sitting there looking at the thing thinking this could go terribly wrong. Thankful to say that I was able to handle it just fine the next few times I brought one to the surface.

BASS, LARGEMOUTH - I loved the way this fish fights. I did not love the way this fish tastes.. I'll come back for more with a fly rod in 2014 but these guys have nothing to fear from my fillet knife anymore

PERCH - This fish turned out to be plentiful in my local creeks but I think it could be more satisfying on a fly rod.

Well thats my year in a nutshell Its not over yet and there are a few Stripers with my name on em left in the Bay and maybe a Tautog if I can get the time but for the most part I'm done this year. I cant wait to get on em again in 2014 with a few more tricks up my sleeve.

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